Sunday, January 25, 2009


Okay so this is definately a venting post!! :) Okay so working 52- 60 hours a week is so not fun!! i have no time to cook, clean, or workout! And kevin has it even worse! He leaves to school at 7am and comes home between 11- 430 am!! thats right 430!!!! the other day he had a homework assignment that was due and it took foreverhe started the assignment at noon and didnt get home till 430!! He was stuck at school doing it!! And the sad thing is ... When i went to visit him at 1230am he was the furthest one done in that whole lab!!! This major is soo intense!!! But he did finish so thats a plus! Its just so hard never seeing him!! i am going a little nuts!! lol.. But I know prayers are answered and I just need to have a little more faith! But i saw a great talk on byu tv today... It was Elder Holland and he was saying how hard it was for him and his wife and how they had no money and wanted to go home all the time because it was so hard to make it work (amen to that). He just gave great words of encouragement!! That talk was definately made for me!!! :) If anyone wants to hear the talk go to . I just have to remember how blessed we are to have Kevin attend this amazing school!!


Gretchen Willmore said...

isn't it great when everything seems wrong and then you find that talk or friend or thought that just lifts you up and gives you that added strength you need to not die??! Really a tender mercy. I'm glad that that helped you. The bball game looked fun too! So cool you got to shake TWO apostle's hands in one night! Jackpot!

Chiemi said...

How in the world do you keep it together? I never had to work that much while Dustin was in school and I thought I was never going to make it. You are amazing!

Kellie said...

Wow, I totally admire you guys for your hard work. And one day it WILL pay off. And you two will be the ones speaking at the young adult firesides, telling them THEY CAN DO IT!!

Rigbys said...

Hey there! Your comment made me laugh. (On my blog..) Guess I really do need to update my "Blob."...ummm....what's a blob? :) Love you!


Rebekah said...

Boy, you guys are awesome. Even with Larry's Chem major and him being at school for very long hours, we still get to see more of each other than you two. And just like Chiemi, I didn't have to work nearly as many hours as you.