Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Keeping In Touch

So I have two jobs and am busy working 53 hours a week now. But I am so excited cuz now we can pay for Kevin's school!! Kevin is starting another semester and focusing on getting into the engineering college! We are having fun but it is soo freezing and the roads are so icy. But the snow is beautiful!! We hope everyone at home is doing great. We love you all and miss you.


Chiemi said...

Wow you are really busy! You are such a good wife supporting Kevin through school. It's awesome that you got to go home for Christmas. It's always nice being around family for the holidays.

Gretchen Willmore said...

Bout time you blogged again! But wow..thats alot of work! I guess we are just going to have to be blogging friends now...but I'm really glad that your working again! Are you going to keep both jobs? Let me know if I can help you out with anything!

Forrest & Kim said...

hey... you found another job other than the calling one? what is it?

Kellie said...

wow wow wow!! That's crazy busy! you go girl! It'll pay off one day.