So Kevin and I are finally adjusting!! We can actually get things done! I have set up a shcedule so on certain days I clean certain things. I am a bit of a clean freak and get stressed out if the house is messy. So now I only clean certain things certain days like Mon- kitchen (floors, cabinets..etc), Tues- Bathroom, sanitize doors, light switches...etc. Then every night and morning I spend 15 minutes cleaning( making the bed, dishes.. etc) It helps a ton so that I dont get overwhelmed and shut off. And It makes it so I give Indee all the time she needs. I also have set a goal to only go on facebook once a week and to blog once a week:) But I feel like I am so much more organized now. I love it!!
I am back to making dinners (not just frozen ones:)) and going on walks and yea!!! I feel great.. like I can actually do this haha!!!
Kevin is working hard as a Mechanical Engineering Lab Assistant! And when he is not working he is home with us helping to change diapers and burp Indee (she is soo difficult to burp) He starts school on Monday and thats when the real test will start. With his busy school load and work I will definately not get to see him much, which means I will be on diaper, feeding, burping duty alot more:) And grocery shopping/ laundry will be mine and Indees work:)Kevin is starting to look into taking all the tests that he will need to get into the MBA and masters program. He has a couple of schools that he will apply to that might require more tests which means BUSY BUSY BUSY!! If anyone knows of any ME internships in southern California let us know!!! I would love to go where family is:)
We miss and love everyone at home!!!
Taylor Swift
1 year ago